The Desert

The Desert

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

3 years and two kids later...

Here it is, 3 years later and I can't believe this blog hasn't been deleted, by the "powers that be" out in blogland.  I never closed this blog, because I had the intention of going back and printing out the entries, since they chronicle my pregnancy with Chaya and her first months here on earth.  But I never got around to it.

"Not getting around to it" has spawned my new favorite saying, "I'll get there".  After Sarah was born, I couldn't understand why I couldn't get to everything.  Two young children make life chaotic.  The first year of Sarah's life, it was like I was doing a juggling act.  Babies wake up, put the smallest one to sleep, just as she wakes up, the other one needs to sleep, she wakes up, the little one goes back to sleep.  We barely left the house in her first year.  And I was EXHAUSTED!!! 

Now that they are 2 and 3, along with Emil, who is 9, my mantra is just that: "I'll get there".  Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. 

Usually, if I don't, it is because I have forgotten to write it down. 

I have never been a big list person.  Lists are for organized people.  I like organized people.  A lot.  I find them an interesting species.  They make all these lists and actually do the things on the lists and cross them off.  Sometimes I make lists of the things I did yesterday, then make a big checkmark next to them and hang them on the fridge.  That way I feel like an organized person.  And when people come over, they think "Wow!  She's really organized.  I feel so inadequate next to her." 

My husband thinks that I am organized.  Because I am, compared to him.  Yesterday, he asked me if I had seen his belt.  He asked me this the day before as well.  "No, I haven't seen your belt honey, just like I didn't see it yesterday either.  But if you took it off and put it in your closet,instead of some strange place like next to the tv, you would probably be able to find it today."

Needless to say, he didn't like that answer. 

So, compared to him, I am organized.  I put my dirty clothes in a pile on the floor in our room and then when it bothers me enough, I "get there" and bring it downstairs to the dirty clothes hamper next to the washing machine.

That reminds me.

Things to do:

Bring clothes to the hamper on my next trip downstairs. 

Welcome back to my blog!



Erin Leigh said...

Welcome Back to the Blog-o-sphere! It is great to hear what you have to say... We should be 'followers' of each other's blogs don'cha think?
"Cheshire Moon".

Charley Warady said...

Good one, Amanda! Next?!

Amanda said...

There are nine more Charley...check the part where it says 2010...