I like to read Canada.com to keep up with what is going on in my hometown of Vancouver. Today there is a report of yet another gangland shooting. I read the comments section. The consensus is overwhelming. Change the immigration policy and bring back the death penalty. Like that is going to stop drug trafficking. Has it worked in the states? I think not. The people in prisons there are animals. I know this first hand from hearing my husband's stories about his time in state institutions. People still think that addiction is the result of immorality. Why don't we look at it for what it is? A disease. Not a choice. Prohibition isn't working. It didn't work in the US either. Do we want to fix the problem? Fix the source. And the source is not the drug suppliers. The source is the family. We live in a world where instant gratification is abundant. Hungry now? Go to McDonald's. In five minutes, you can eat your burger and fries. Plus, then mommy and daddy have spent quality time together as the children gobble down their food and run off to play in Mcplayland. What happened to family dinners? This is a holiday ritual now. How many hours a week do parents actually spend with their kids? Come home from work, pick the children up at daycare, where they have spent the last 10 hours, home by 5, plunk children in front of TV or playstation, or drive them to extra language lessons, karate, soccer, ballet, genius classes, home again by 6:30, fast dinner, then tv or playstation till 7:30 8, then bed. So how much time are parent's actually spending with their parents? How many people are actually involved in their children's lives? Be the best, be the best, this is their refrain. Get the best marks, be the best athlete, ballerina, genius. Pressure pressure pressure. Grow up, go to university, get a degree in something practical, make a lot of money, so you too can live in a 900 000 dollar one bedroom condo in Vancouver. Or....grow up, mediocre, never have the ability to go to university, either because you don't have the grades or you can't afford it because your parent(s) were "welfare bums" who spent most of their time worrying about how they were going to feed you (This is not so different from people who make good money, but their expenses end up being greater as they have more)and as a result aren't there for you emotionally, so you grow up thinking, I will never be like my parents, I want a different life for my children, but what can I do? I have no education and working at Wal Mart isn't going to let me feed my children or buy overpriced property so why should I bother? Yes, drug dealing is dangerous, but it pays well if I am good at it. And, I can make 100 000 dollars in a day! What would you choose?
8 bucks an hour to work at Wal Mart, or 100 000 dollars working one day a week?
Money money money. Money is the higher power. Let's get back to the family. Better social programs, equal opportunity education, help for single parents, stop cutting these programs. Model it after the scandinavian countries who always rank in the top for standard of living. Why continue to strive to be America? It is not the land of opportunity. Not anymore.
On to other things. Chaya is back asleep. I had a brief break in this blog as she woke up and the poor little thing is miserable. She is getting a tooth and her little nose is all stuffy and she is whiny whiny whiny. Poor thing. But I can't believe how much she has grown! In the last three weeks she has started to pull herself up to standing holding onto something, started crawling, sitting by herself and now she has a tooth! It goes so darn fast! I am glad that I can be here to watch it though, daily.
She really is amazing and it is so strange to think that this thing came out of my body. I can't believe that in 5 months, I will be experiencing all of this all over again with my new baby girl.
David was so funny at the ultrasound. When the doctor said that we were having another girl, I looked at David and said "What's the matter with you? You can't make boys?" But secretly I was hoping for a girl. All right, not so secretly, I told everyone I wanted a girl. When we got outside, David said "So now we have to try for a boy!" I was like "This one isn't even out yet, are you insane?" It is especially funny, as this is the same man who told me when we first met "We Malul's only bring boys!" Hmmm. Guess not this Malul! One son so far...two girls...Finally the women will outnumber the boys. I know the reason too. I have a theory that you get the sex that you have the most trouble with, as a way of working through your issues. David has issues with women...therefore girls. Maybe I also have issues still with women. Hence the girls.
I had other ideas for blogging, but I can't remember them now, so when I do, I will try to get them down. I am neglecting house duties in order to write this, but it felt good to get it down yesterday.
I must do what I can now in order to get the house in shape before Emil comes home now. It is windy and chilly here today, after two days of scorching hot weather. A break.
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