We just came home from an ultrasound. The baby is now a little over 3.5 pounds. It did not want us to see it's face, apparently. It is upside down in my uterus already and the ultrasound lady said that it will probably not change positions as now there isn't a lot of room for movement in there. I notice that when it moves, I can see it now on my belly. I have always thought that it was lying crossways, so I am surprised that it is upside down. But we got sort of a profile picture today and it's nose has gotten longer and less pug, more like my nose than David's now. I was hoping for the Malul nose. David keeps saying that the baby looks like momma (his mother) but who knows? I can't believe it is my baby in the picture. It is a little unreal still.
I am excited about the birth now. I just want to see my baby. Hold my baby. Feed my baby. I have gained 28 pounds so far. And believe me, the size of my knockers tell me that I could feed Ethiopia with milk. It is incredible!
I wonder if Anna Nicole Smith was breastfeeding before her untimely death? Can you breastfeed if you have implants?
Anyone have an answer for that?
I feel a little shallow as I am talking about a baby all the time. Today I saw something on CNN which enraged me. A 12 year old girl was the victim of an antisemitic incident in the UK. She was attacked by a group of girls on the bus. ON THE BUS! They beat her up ON THE BUS! I don't understand. How is it possible that a little girl is sitting on a bus and subsequently attacked and nobody does anything to help her? Even if there was no one else on the bus, how about the bus driver? Now, I am not sure what transpired other than the beating on the bus, however, they did say that she managed to get off of the bus and get help. The girls asked her "Are you British or are you Jewish?" She answered British. They repeated this question numerous times. She repeatedly answered British. Now here is the quicker, these girls who beat her up, were black (what is that? African British?) and Asian (Asian British?), so she was beaten up by other minority groups.
What I found sad with this particular story, other than the fact that it was a 12 year old girl, beaten up by other minority groups and not helped by ordinary citizens is the young girls answer.
British. I am British. Not I am a British Jew, but just simply British. This is 2007. Why are we, as Jews, still hiding our identity? Anti semitism has permeated our own souls, so that we are so intent on "assimilation", we refuse to acknowledge our identity. We refuse to be proud of our identity. Would it be a bad thing to identify ourselves as Canadian Jews, American Jews, British Jews? The Asians are called Asian Americans, Black People are African American, Indians from India are called Indo Canadians in Vancouver. But we, as Jews, prefer not to be recognized for our uniqueness. In fact, so many people don't even talk about the fact that they are Jewish. No, we are not instantly recognizable on the street, like Asians, African Americans, Indians Native or Eastern, unless we wear payas and kippas and long black coats, but why shouldn't we be? Have the cossacks and Nazis won? Have we let them dictate to us that we are bad? That we should blend in and no one will know? If you were in the United States, let's say, California, and an African American was approached on a bus and asked "Are you an American, or African?" What would the answer be? My guess is that it would be African American. Not just one or the other. You know, the African Americans, have many countries where they can trace their ancestry, Africa, South America, etc, Asians, from Asia, East Indians from India and all over that area, Muslims, as we know have many countries and where do the Jews have? Now we have Israel, a country that they fought for and continue to fight for. And are constantly vilified in the media for. Are we going to be able to keep this country? Or will we lose it and once again be stateless. It's not right that we should have to lose our identity in order to blend in to modern day society. Stand up and be proud that you are Jewish,people! Remember, some of us fought hard to be and remain Jewish. Teach your children to be proud of who they are and where they come from. I was asked at my conversion a question which I have been pondering for awhile. They ask Converts questions such as this: "There are people like the Nazis who would want to kill you, what would you do?" In my smart ass thinking before the conversion I thought, you know what? The Nazi's would have put me in a death camp anyway, because I am half Jewish anyway. But they asked me "You are moving to Israel and there are people who will want to kill you there, if you were asked to renounce Judaism in order to save your life, would you do it?" I said "You know, I have worked so hard for this, there is not a chance that I would do it." OK, I knew that was the right answer and the answer they wanted to hear. And now, one year later, and one year of living in Israel, the answer is even more vehement. I am proud of what I have done. I am proud that I became a full fledged paper holding Jew. I am proud that I will raise my children as Jews. And I will teach them to be proud of being Jewish. I want to teach them to keep kosher, which is hard if we aren't living in Israel, I will teach them to observe the shabbat, because really, is it such a huge sacrifice to abstain from watching TV and listening to the radio or talking on the phone or cooking for 25 hours a week? I will teach them to value the essence of Jewish spirituality by going to synagogue and looking for the beauty of the prayers and psalms. Because really, as much as the various denominations of Judaism will argue about religion, this is all a part of who the Jews are. As Human Beings, we say we don't like the structure that Orthodoxy imposes, we don't like that it is patriarchal, we don't believe in G-d, we live in a modern world, how can we live like people on a shtetl, why should we make ourselves more noticeable or differentiate ourselves from society? Well, why not? What is so bad about this? Why is it so bad to be "different". In North America, politically correct is the mantra. We don't call blind people blind, we say "Visually impaired" we don't say deaf, we say "Hearing Impaired". We teach our children not to stare at people with disabilities and to practice acceptance of people of other races, but then we tell our children, "Don't be NOTICEABLY Jewish, don't wear a kippa everyday, don't wear "shtetl" clothing." Isn't that a double standard? Is that fair? We are who we are, we come from where we come from, stand up and tell people, "I am Jewish and I am proud of it." Say "I'm a Jew, Are you? We're here, and there, get used to it!"
Yuu know, younger girls have always been fighting eachother. But now its more like a group of girls attacked 1 girl and beat her.
Its common with girlfights one on one but no one like a group of girls vs 1 single girl.
Anyway, the bus driver cant do anything if some girls wanted to beat up a girl in the bus.
You know, this is exactly my point, people. Anonymous said "Anyway, the bus driver can't do anything if some girls wanted to beat up a girl in the bus." This sort of attitude is what keeps hate alive. It's not my problem, so why should I involve myself? The fact is, the bus driver could have called the police. Wouldn't that have been doing something? Should we say this about Hitler? We can't do anything if a crazy man in Germany wants to kill 6 million Jews! Say the same thing about Alminejad in Iran. We can't do anything about a fanatical madman who wants to kill the Jews, Christians, Americans and Sunni Muslims. Let him have his nuclear weapons and after he kills 7 or 8 million people, those who are left over, will say "How did this happen?" You see my point?
I think it is important to look at why the young woman would want to hide being Jewish, because she knew she was a target and going to beat her up. Being jewish is an invisible ethnicity if you are ashkenazi (or white skinned) not so much if you are sephardic or mizrahi, sometimes you are mistaken for being Arab or "Eastern". I think the issue is more complicated than you give credit and can't be conflated with all of hate and racism. I think the girl was initially smart to try and just say she was British and that is a secular Jew's choice...just as woman may be foremost before Jewish, or disabled or or or...I think she said that is self-protection mode.
Well said.
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