How do you translate from Hebrew to English? Impossible with trying to sound the words out phoenetically!
We had our friend Gidon and his family for shabbat. He has five daughters and Tami, his wife, brought her mother with her. Tami's father died two months ago and so her mother is now living with Tami. She is the only child. That is what happens here in Israel, when one parent dies, the other one moves in with you.
They are a wonderful family and I feel as if they are my family too. In fact, we are now related, as David's niece married Gidon's nephew, so technically, we are related...How does that work? Distant cousins through marriage?
Shoshi, their 17 year old daughter is going to New York tomorrow so I have given her a shopping list for Starbucks Coffee and more Body Shop lip balm.
I have been trying to get a hold of our lawyer again, albeit unsuccessfully. I am getting very frustrated. I long to be back in Canada.
The wind is fierce here tonight. It is rainy and stormy. The doors in my apartment are not very strong and always slam closed in the wind. It is very annoying.
Gidon and his family are still here, not having left after shabbat yet. They are all watching TV and his five year old daughter is watching TV in my room so I am on the computer.
Emil is asleep, he has school tomorrow and is exhausted as I let him stay up til 8:30/9 o' clock last night. He is so not good at staying up late, he just gets so whiny and grumpy. I bumped up his bedtime til 7:30 as he was taking a long time to fall asleep but I still think that is too late. He wakes up so early. I have to sleep til 9 or 9:30 as I don't tend to fall asleep until midnight anyway. My internal clock is late.
Anyway, this is just like a blog of nothing tonight, just a way to pass the time before I get to the TV!
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