I swear, I don't think I will ever sleep again. Apparently what I am having as far as two pregnancies close together has a word, it is called Irish Twins. This baby is due 4 days after Chaya's first birthday, but it could come early or later, but they will still be considered Irish twins. Funny. I learned this on the Babycentre Pregnancy Boards, one of my new addictions.
Today I have a sinus headache. Started to get it last night so when David comes home tonight, I will take a hot bath and put a warm cloth on my nose for the pain. It just intensifies the exhaustion. Yesterday I was so tired that I could barely even lift Chaya up. It is so hard and last night I was almost in tears feeling sorry for myself. I just want to sleep. That is all I want to do. And you know, when Chaya is sleeping, I try to sleep but can't. It sucks. Yesterday I tried shutting the blinds in the bedroom but it didn't work. And last night, little Miss JAP went to sleep at 8 pm and woke up at quarter to 10 ready to play. I put her in her crib and she started screaming, so David went and picked her up and she looked over at me with this huge grin like she was saying "See, if you won't do it, Daddy will!" She really does have David wrapped around her finger. So we put her on the floor because she is starting to really work hard on her tummy. She is pushing her little butt up and balancing on her knees and hands, like she is getting ready to take off. Last night, she actually moved her legs forward before she fell flat on her face. I am amazed at how fast she is developing. And she can sit by herself now for a little while. She is such a strong baby. And everday, I fall more and more in love with her. She really is such a happy baby and friendly.
So it seems as if Israel is gearing up for war. First they said war with Syria in the summer, and that didn't happen and now it is war sometime in the next few weeks. I think after the invasion by Israel to Syria, it is getting more and more serious. Condoleeza Rice is here today to allegedly discuss a middle east peace conference, but I doubt it. I think Bush wants to invade Syria and Iran before he leaves office and he needs Israel to do it for him. Yom Kippur is coming up, and I think people are nervous about it because of the Yom Kippur war in 67. Israel comes to a standstill on Yom Kippur, kind of like North America on Christmas Day. No one drives, no one does anything. It is amazing that Yom Kippur is the biggest holiday. It is the day of atonement and you are to fast on that day. Even non religious people observe that day. There is nothing on TV, all the stations stop broadcasting. It is amazing. So if there is a war, everyone is at home, except, of course, the army. Not like last time...
I had an intention to blog about feminism, but my head hurts and I want to go and lie down for a few minutes before Emil comes home from school. I will finish later, hopefully.
1 comment:
Hey Amanda...
Keep blogging, as I like to keep up on your life as well...
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