well it has been almost two months since I have blogged and I don't even know if any of you are still reading this. I will send everyone an email, maybe, so that you are aware that I have updated this blog. Because really, my friends, I am only doing this for you...
Just kidding.
I saw James Blunt on Oprah today. I know, that episode in Canada probably aired six months ago, but they are sadly behind in Israel...Anyway, I have fallen in love. He is so adorable and funny and cute. Maybe he thinks pregnant women are hot. He is now on my top 5 list of musicians I would marry in a heartbeat. He has the distinct honor of being the only one under 65. And one of my top 5 is a muslim! (Cat Stevens) Please don't alert the conversion authority.
James Blunt's songs are so heartfelt. So vulnerable. That is why he probably is hitting the music world so hard. We aren't used to the vulnerability like that in today's world. Yet we are all looking for ways to learn to be more open, more vulnerable. I think we think too much about it. I don't know.
So, I am now visibly pregnant. I know I was a little in Canada, but it is evident now. I went to a wedding the other night and everyone who saw me told me mazal tov. It is amazing how fast my belly has grown in the last month. It is like everyday I wake up and my stomach is bigger. David said to me this morning that he thought my stomach had grown since last night. I told him that it was just because I had bad gas and my stomach was bloated. I don't know if your stomach gets bloated when you are pregnant from gas. But he believed me.
I put on my outfit to go to the wedding the other night and when I looked in the mirror I was shocked. Up until this point I have been able to "hide" my pregnancy if I wanted to. But now, it is impossible. It was kind of weird to put on my clothes and look into the mirror and see a big belly. This is a really interesting experience for those of us with major body issues. Most of the time I am okay with it, but every once in a while I get a shock. I am just glad that it is growing and getting bigger. The baby moves a lot now. Every day. Especially after I drink a coffee in the morning. Or after I eat. Or when I rest.
I have the worst gas, worse than I have ever had. The other night I farted in my sleep and apparently it was so loud that I woke David up. I think that's funny.
You know, I don't care how old you get and how hacky it is, farting is ALWAYS funny.
So are burps.
I have been having some very vivid dreams lately. I had them earlier on, and now they are coming back. And sex dreams galore. You would think that I am a single pregnant woman with no chance for sex. Not true. Obviously. I am hoping though that some of these sex dreams will be about James Blunt now. I will listen to his CD over and over again today and let you know what happens. Although I won't tell in detail. A lady never reveals her sex dreams.
David is being so cute (speaking of sex dreams...) I have been going to bed before him since I got home from Canada. The jet lag has been hard to get through, although I think that I may be through it. I can now pretty much stay up all day and go to sleep at 10 and sleep until the morning. I am waking up once in the night to shift position or go to the bathroom or whatever, but I can go back to sleep, as opposed to when I first got home and I would wake up a couple of times in the night and then between 3 and 5 I was finished sleeping. This morning I woke up at 6:30. That was nice. I like getting up that early, though, because I can be awake when Emil wakes up and he is so cute first thing in the morning. And then I get him dressed and give him breakfast and get him off to school. And it isn't so rushed for David. Hopefully I can keep this up. It will be a better schedule for when the baby comes, not so much a shock to the system, maybe.
Anyway, I was going to tell you how cute David is being. When he comes to bed at night, he always feels my stomach. And in the middle of the night, he puts his arm on my stomach. Last night, I think he thought that I was sleeping, and I was, but he woke me up. He was touching my stomach and then he bent down and kissed it and put his ear to it for a minute. It was really adorable. I am really lucky, as I have a husband who is so looking forward to having this baby and he is excited about all aspects of it. He loves that I am getting bigger, prompting me to suspect that he has somewhat of a pregnant woman fetish. He buys me food and last night he came home with chocolate cake for me, as that is my favorite. The name we have chosen for the baby has real meaning for us. This baby has really brought us closer together and it is a gift from G-d, that is for sure.
Now the next hurdle is getting my mom here for the birth. And picking a hospital. Taking a childbirth education course, so I know how to give birth properly. What did women do in Laura Ingalls' time?